idid, 2020

I made this video to visualise further what I mean by experiencing sensory qualities of a word, not only as sequential effects, but as part of the process of making and communicating meaning?

The new word 'covidiots' is a case in which the semantic meaning of a word, the sound, visuals, lived experience and the context are entangled with each other, not in a clear cut chronological order, but more simultaneously, to make new meaning. Someone must have said covid, and then idiot and then realised ah 'id' at the end of covid and 'id' at the start of idiot sonically bridge, but also look the same (or vice versa), so why not connect? ...

Protest language and posters show many examples of bending language, shortening words, combining sounds to respond,often humorously, to the struggle at hand. In normal circumstances, we are used to prioritising the argument, the rational behind choosing a word. We put the semantic meaning in a higher rank than that of the sonic. I think we might be doing this, because thinking is more serious and self-affirming then letting 'coincidences' in language, the non-human agents, like sounds or 'small communicatables' take over.

However, I believe that through exploring and collectively processing and speculating on the visual and sonic patterns in language more, we can also process experiences differently and capture them more adequately in our communications, especially when trying to voice sentiments that don't correlate to words, yet...